About Rhianna

After months of anticipation and many hours of labour Rhianna finally arrived on Mother's Day May 13th 2007.She weighed 3.3kg pink and screaming (still screaming up till just now).Everything was fine but her newborn hearing screening was inconclusive as she was an irritable baby so they were unable to perform the OAE.
Being first time parents with no family history of hearing loss,we didn't think about repeating the test.Furthermore,her development seemed fine and all the paediatrician didn't suspect anything.
We had our suspicion when she didn't startle to loud sounds but I guess we didn't pay much attention then.After all,she seemed to understand what we were saying and always responded appropriately.She even attended music appreciation class and participated just like other babies.

We started series of tests when her speech didn't progress beyond little babbling and vowel sounds.She failed all her tests and the diagnosis is profound bilateral sensory neural hearing loss.Who would have thought...The bubbly cheerful little girl is actually deaf.(Let's not discuss feelings as it would take a whole book.)

I have no doubt whatsoever about the CI.Being a hearing person,I want my child to experience the wonder of sound and give her the same opportunity as any other children.If I didn't give her the implant now,she would not be able to hear and speak.In our country,education and opportunity for the handicapped people is still developing and of course still has many areas and issues to be resolved. I hope that when she has acquired competent verbal language we can learn sign language together as an alternative.Later in life she can choose what suits her best..hearing or no hearing.

that is just my personal opinion and my attempt to provide the best for my girl.

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