We had one party with cupcakes for 10 of her little friends in the music class today.She was sooo happy but a bit shy from all the attention that she got from her friends and their mummies.She received some presents from her friends (already opened and enjoyed!).
she was still singing the birthday song until her bedtime..
What she didn't really know is that, there'll be another party on Sunday at Mc Donald's with her school friends and many of her favourite aunties and uncles.There'll be more wonderful presents for her to enjoy (and for mom to utilize for therapy purposes!)..I can't wait! I'm probably more excited than she is.
We started the night before by 'bling'ing up her ear!
Cupcakes for friends and teachers!
Rhianna's friends -bless their little hearts (and their mummies')for accepting Rhianna and looking beyond her CI
birthday greetings from a friend
Happy Birthday to a sweet angel :)Well done, mummy dearie..(both mums)